With everything that’s happened recently, here’s one thing we all need to do

A lot of events have transpired over these past few days.

Over the weekend, someone posted a gun threat online aimed at SEP High School; then come Monday, a disturbed man drove around Pleasant Hill, shooting at unsuspecting residents, placing two victims in critical condition.Pleasant Hill Police Department

Thankfully our local police departments were trained and ready to handle both situations; first, stationing themselves at SEP schools Monday morning, only to be later pulled away to put an end to a mad man’s rampage.

Even today, officers have once again positioned themselves at SEP schools, doing what they do best, “PROTECTING”.

We want thank the Pleasant Hill and Altoona police Police Carofficers for everything they do to protect our communities.

Remember, our police officers don’t get to choose the scenarios they face. However, they respond and deal with them, regardless how severe the threat.

Thank you officers for helping us sleep better at night.

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