Remember the story of the Good Samaritan?

Do you remember the story of the Good Samaritan?

A man traveling alone was beaten and mugged by robbers. Following the beating, his injuries were so severe he couldn’t get up and walk.

As he lay on the side of the road, a few people – including a priest – passed him.

They saw the man, yet were either ‘too busy’ or ‘too uncomfortable’ to get involved.

Obviously, they were thinking, “Hopefully someone else will do it.”

A Samaritan walked by and noticed the beaten man. Instead of walking by (like everyone else did), he took pity on the half conscious man. The Samaritan first bandaged the man’s wounds then checked him into an inn to recover. The inn wasn’t free; therefore, the Samaritan paid the bill for the injured man.

So what was the Samaritan’s reason for helping the man?

  • Was it for recognition?
  • Was it to gain a financial reward?
  • Was it to guilt the man into serving him once he recovered?

The Samaritan did what he did because he saw someone in need. His heart wanted to show him the love Christ commands us to show to all our neighbors. It was about serving and caring for others which drove the Samaritan to save a man he never met.

Caring Hands Outreach Center

Caring Hands Outreach Center revolves around that same concept.

We’re a nonprofit Christ-centered facility serving the Southeast Polk Community.

Our mission is to serve those temporarily struggling with food, clothing and financial-aid assistance.

For more information about our organization, feel free to contact us by calling 515.967-4533 or send us an email at

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